SlaughterFest 2024

The Essentials:
May 4th, 2024 – Salem, OR @ CrossFit Salem ***8:00 AM to 4:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)

Male/Female Rx+ Team (ages 18+, cash prize division)
Male/Female Rx Team (ages 16+)
Male/Female Scaled Team (ages 14+)
Male/Female MASTERS Team (cumulative team age 75 or more; no one younger than 35)
Male/Female SUPER MASTERS Team (cumulative age 100 or more; no one younger than 45)
Male/Female Novice Team (ages 16+)
Male/Male/Female/Female Rx Team (ages 16+)
Male/Male/Female/Female Scaled Team (ages 14+)

The event that started it all is BACK for a 12th year! Here are some things to consider when choosing your division. ALL the specific movements will be released with weights well before the event and you will be able to switch divisions. 

Rx+: A brand new division… Rx+. This division is the same difficulty as the Rx division but has the opportunity to earn a cash prize. Rx+ teams will be scored and included in the Rx division. The ONLY difference is the top 3 Rx+ teams (regardless of overall placement) will get cash prizes. The amount of the cash prize depends on the Rx+ pool and how many teams sign up for that division. Each Rx+ team pays an extra $25 per athlete and that becomes the prize pool. The prize pool is split as follows between the top 3 Rx+ teams: 1st = 50%, 2nd = 30%, 3rd = 20%. This is not really a separate division, just an opportunity to earn cash prizes within the Rx division for teams that want that incentive.

Rx: This division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. You do not have to be amazing at these movements, if you can do them then you are an RX athlete and should register for this division. For example, Rx teams should have at least one person that can do muscle ups, handstand push ups, and all the other standard CrossFit movements.

Scaled: This is for athletes that modify the workouts at thier home gym most of the time. If you have stood on a podium as a scaled athlete in another NWFG competition then you should probably register for Rx now, that is a clear sign. This division is for athletes that frequently scale work outs. There will be no finals for this division, this is a new thing for NWFG but we want to encourage the more competitive atheltes to join the Rx or Rx+ divisions.

Novice: This division is for athletes new to functional fitness and athletes with a long way to go in their fitness journey. You will be able to modify any movement to find something that will work. There is no finals for Novice, this is for people that want to experience the “fun” of competition but are not even at the scaled level yet. Adaptive athlete should register for this division, please contact us if you have questions.

Masters and Super Masters: This division is a hybrid of Rx and scaled weights and movements. You may have the choice between Rx movements or less technical movements at higher volume (For example: 3 muscle ups OR 9 CTB Pull Ups). Super Masters are about the same difficulty as the scaled division. 

All athletes will be required to sign a waiver. There will be no refunds but we do allow credits to another event un until 30 days before the event. 

$150 per Athlete – Rx+ (cash prize division)
$125 per Athlete – Rx, Scaled, Masters, Super Masters
$100 per Athlete – Novice

o 3-4 competition workouts + finals for top 3 teams (Rx+ and Rx teams only)
o An epic SLAUGHTERFEST™ t-shirt that everyone at your gym will envy
o Trophys for top teams 

Spectators—Important Information:
o There is a POSSIBLE admission cost to attend the SLAUGHTERERFEST™, our venue does not have a ton of spectator room and there may be a small $5 charge at the door to help manage the amount of cleaning and waste disposal that comes with a big crowd. 
o The workouts will be indoors, the athlete camp is outside in the parking lot. Campers are prohibited by our property management company. If tailgating you can only have 1 parking spot per the property manager. 
o There may be venders onsite. 
o Food and drinks will be available. Kids need to be supervised, no pets allowed inside the facility. 

Yes, we are always looking for judges. Its best to be an active L1 trainer and if you want to judge at big CrossFit events this can go on your resume. Compensation is a T-shirt, food, experience, and in some casg $$ if the event is bigger than 200 athletes which is common.