Guidelines and Standards

COVID19 Policy Changes:

  1. Indoors all athletes, staff, spectators, and people over age 5 need to wear a mask at all times in keeping with the State Of Oregon mandates. Outdoor events will not require masks unless social distancing cannot be followed.
  2. All equipment will be cleaned by athletes between use with CDC approved disinfectant (provided by NW Fitness Games)
  3. Max occupancy for indoor spaces will be regulated to the current limits. No warm up space or equipment is provided. No “athlete camp” area is provided indoors.
  4. Social distancing between people will be followed as much as possible given the nature of exercise.

So far two large events have yielded zero cases, we believe fitness competitions can be conducted safely and will continue to offer them and follow the above policies. Thank you for understanding and keeping our small business alive in these crazy times.


At NW Fit Games we think that everyone should be able to compete! Here are some guidelines for our divisions.

Advanced (Rx): You perform 90%+ benchmark workouts with Rx weights and movements. Muscle ups, handstand push ups, and all advanced movements are programmed in this division, someone on your team will need to be able to do them (not all team members will have to). Common WODs you should be able to do Rx are Fran, Elizabeth, Diane, Grace, Isabel, and Mary. Cash prizes, typically winner take all with the top three teams in finals and a staggered start depending on the placement going into finals. Here is a list of common weights and movements that Advanced competitors should be able to do:

Snatch 135/95
Clean 185/125
Deadlift 255/185
Thruster 135/95
Back Squat 225/155
Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Chest to bar Pull Ups
Pistol squats
Toes to Bar
Double Unders
Rope Climbs

Intermediate (Scaled): You perform roughly 50% of the movements Rx but modify many classic WODs due to strength or gymnastic necessity. People in this division can generally do a kipping pull up (but maybe not strict one yet). Handstand push ups are modified in this division. Traditionally scaling involves a reduction in the weight from Rx by approximately 25% (If the Advanced division was doing 95/65# thrusters, intermediate would be doing 75/45#). Double unders are optional and sometimes allowed in combination with single unders. No cash prizes, top teams to finals. If you are an Rx athlete DO NOT join a scaled team just because they need another person, this undermines the integrity of the competition and your box. Rope climbs are typically not modified for this division.

Novice (Beginner): You perform 80% of the movements scaled. Pull ups are all assisted (bands, jumping pull ups, ring rows). Weights lifted are significantly less than Rx, 65/35# Thrusters for example. Full ROM push ups may be difficult, box jumps are generally steps ups, wall ball shots are with a 10# ball to an 8′ or 9′ target. Single unders only or heavy rope singles. Toes to bar are not expected and hanging knee raises or sit ups are substituted. ROM standards are encouraged but competition is friendly, mobility restrictions are tolerated, and we are here to have fun! No cash prizes or finals for the novice division but this will be re-evaluated as the need presents.

Masters: 40+ in the calendar year of the event. Teams are typically a combined age but all team members have to be over 35. A hybrid between the Advanced and Scaled divisions. Weights will be classic Rx (95/65# thrusters) but will not be Rx+ like many competitions have in Rx divisions. Body weight and gymnastics skills are similar to Advanced-Rx with generally less advanced versions such as pull ups instead of CTB pull ups. Finals for top teams if the volume justifies (8+ teams), no cash prizes. More masters divisions will be released as the need presents.

Youth/Teen: Similar to the novice division, our goal is to have fun and allow kids to experience the thrill of competition. Additional scaling is always allowed as needed (however, it may keep that team from winning if they need to). No finals, but there will be a podium and top teams recognized.

Movement Standards:

  1. Full ROM on all movements (range of motion). This means full extension of knees, hips, elbows, etc. (any pivot point)
  2. Squats at hips below knees (aka below parallel for the tops of quads).
  3. Weights over center of mass for overhead movements.
  4. Kipping is generally allowed unless specifically prohibited.
  5. Assistance is generally accepted for team WODs, how you can assist will be defined at each event.

Athlete Expectations:

  1. Be on time for athlete briefings and registration.
  2. Be respectful. If there is a dispute contact the head judge for an immediate resolution.
  3. Rep your box (if you attend one). This is part of the community and we love to see local boxes represented on your shirt!
  4. Be smart. If you are injured remove yourself from the competition or WOD to stay safe.
  5. Be clean, throw your trash in the trash cans and don’t park or go anywhere that is prohibited.
  6. Don’t drop unloaded bars, or ones with only 10’s or 15’s on them (they break). Don’t drop kettlebells, its a hazard to everyone around you and the equipment.
  7. Have fun, dress crazy, bring some friends!