Author Archives: Ryan Nack

Salem Slaughterfest 2018


The Essentials:
April 28, 2018
***8:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)

Salem Fairgrounds Pavilion
(60,000 sq ft facility)

Divisions (150 entries in each division):
o Male/Male/Female/Female Rx Team
o Male/Male/Female/Female Scaled Team
o Male/Male/Female/Female MASTERS Team (over 150 total*)
o Male/Male/Female/Female Novice Team

The event that started it all is BACK for a 6th consecutive year! After such positive feedback from last
year’s format change, we’ve decided to stick with the MMFF format. What do we have up our sleeve
for 2018? Register to find out!!! 🙂

The SALEM SLAUGHTERFEST™ is open to all level of athletes over the age of 18. All athletes are
encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some
exposure to CrossFit-style workouts and powerlifting. The Rx division includes all powerlifting,
bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less
advanced movements than Rx. All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.

* Masters Division Update!! We are changing the masters age requirements from 40+ per athlete to 150+ for the whole team of 4. However, there cannot be anyone younger than 30 yeas old on the team. Be prepared to bring photo ID to the event as that will be needed at registration.

o $400 per team until February 11th; $460 after midnight on February 11th.
o NOVICE PRICE: $350 per team until February 11th; $410 after midnight on February 11th .
o Fee includes
o 3-4 competition workouts + finals for top 3 teams in each division (except Novice)
*– Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual up to 1 week
before the event.

o First Place: $700*
o Second Place: $550*
o Third Place: $400*
* = Cash prizes contingent upon reaching 400 athlete threshold.

Spectators—Important Information
o There is no admission cost to attend the SALEM SLAUGHTERERFEST™ .
o The setup for this event will include both indoor and outdoor spectator venues. Please dress
o There are expected to be multiple vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!
o Food and drinks will be available via the concession stand at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. This
isn’t traditionally loaded with healthy options, so bring food accordingly.

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About: Project Fitness™
Fight or flight? It’s all about competition. Otherwise, it’d just be exercising…and where’s the fun in
that? Project Fitness™ was founded with the belief that competition is at the root of any truly successful
workout plan. On a month-by- month basis, Project Fitness™ offers the most fitness competitions of any
organization in the Northwest. And our competitions provide the greatest experience of any fitness
event in the region. Fight or flight? The best ALWAYS fight for their life.

Track Town Smackdown 2018

2018 Track Town Smack Down

Hosted by Eugene Crossfit

The Essentials:
Saturday February 10, 2018 ***7:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)

Lane County Fairgrounds – Auditorium — 96 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene OR 97402

o Male/Male/Male Advanced (Rx) Team
o Female/Female/Female Advanced (Rx) Team
o Male/Male/Male Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Female/Female/Female Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Male/Male/Male Novice Team
o Female/Female/Female Novice Team
o Male/Male/Male Masters Team
o Female/Female/Female Masters Team
**Masters age- 40 and over**

o $330 per team, NOVICE Teams are 290
o Fee includes
– 4 competition workouts + finals for top teams
– Track Town Smack Down Tee shirt
o Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual up to 1 week before the event.

Cash for winners:
o First Place: $500* + Trophy
o Second Place: $400* + Trophy
o Third Place: $300* + Trophy
o Cash prizes contingent upon 400 athlete participation (which we will get) and ONLY FOR Rx TEAMS.
o Scaled/Masters teams receive a trophy and swag!!!

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RX: You perform approximately 90%+ benchmark workouts with RX weights and movements. Having muscle ups are not a requirement for this division for all participants, however at least one person from your team must be able to do them. Common WODs you should be able to do RX are Fran, Elizabeth, Diane, Grace, Isabel, Amanda and Mary. Cash prizes, typically winner takes all with the top 3-4 teams in finals and a staggered start depending on the placement going into finals. Here is a list of common weights and movements that RX competitors should be able to do:
1. Snatch 135/95
2. Clean 185/125
3. Deadlift 255/185
4. Thruster 135/95
5. Back Squat 225/155
6. Kipping Handstand Push Ups
7. Chest to bar Pull Ups
8. Pistol squats
9. Toes to Bar
10. Double Unders
11. Rope Climbs

SCALED/INTERMEDIATE: You perform roughly 50% of the movements RX, but modify many classic WODs due to strength or gymnastic necessity. People in this division can generally do a kipping pull up (but maybe not strict one yet). Handstand push ups are push ups in this division. Traditionally scaling involves a reduction in the weight from RX by approximately 25%. Double unders are optional and sometimes allowed in combination with single unders. No cash prizes, top 3-4 teams to finals. If you are an RX athlete DO NOT join a scaled team just because they need another person, this undermines the integrity of the competition and your box.

NOVICE: You perform approximately 10% of the WODS Rx. Weights are scaled and gymnastics movements are less advanced versions such as knee push instead of regular push ups and jumping pull ups in place of regular pull ups.

MASTERS: 40+ in the calendar year of the event. A hybrid between the RX and Scaled/Intermediate divisions. Weights will be classic Rx, but will not be RX+ like many competitions have in RX divisions. Body weight and gymnastics skills are similar to Advanced-RX with generally less advanced versions such as pull ups instead of CTB pull ups. Finals for top teams if the volume justifies (8+ teams), no cash prizes. More masters divisions will be released as the need presents.

Gobbler Gauntlet 2017


The Essentials:

Saturday November 11th, 2017
***7:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)

Oregon State Fairgrounds – PAVILION — 
2330 17th Street NE
 Salem, Oregon 97301

Divisions (FIRST 220 teams to sign up! Total capacity: 660 athletes):
o Male/Male/Male Advanced (Rx) Team
o Female/Female/Female Advanced (Rx) Team
o Male/Male/Male Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Female/Female/Female Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Male/Male/Male Novice Team – no finals, no price increase
o Female/Female/Female Novice Team – no finals, no price increase
o Male/Male/Male Masters Team
o Female/Female/Female Masters Team

Back for the 5th year, and after having grown year-over- year into one of the largest fitness competitions in the Northwest, the GOBBLER GAUNTLETtm will once again put your fitness to the test! What do Dave and Andy have up their sleeves this year? You’ll have to sign up to find out! 🙂

Join us for the original and premier three-person team event hosted this year at the 60,000 sq. ft. PAVILION at the Oregon State Fairgrounds! We will once again have a blast, crush some WODs, and find out once again which team is the Gobbler Gauntlet champion!

The GOBBLER GAUNTLETtm is open to all level of athletes over the age of 18. All athletes are encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some exposure to CrossFit-style workouts and powerlifting.  The Rx division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements.  NW Fit Games does not program muscle ups in regular competition, however they have shown up in finals. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less advanced movements than Rx.  All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.

o $330 per team* (discounted to $290 until October 1 st )

o Fee includes
– 3 or 4 competition workouts + finals for top teams
o Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual up to 1 week before the event.

Cash for winners:
o First Place: $500* + Trophy
o Second Place: $400* + Trophy
o Third Place: $300* + Trophy
o Cash prizes contingent upon 400 athlete participation (which we will get) and ONLY FOR Rx TEAMS.
o Scaled/Masters teams receive a trophy and swag!!!

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Spectators—Important Information
o There is no admission cost to attend the GOBBLER GAUNTLETtm.
o Parking for the GOBBLER GAUNLETtmmust be in the parking lot at the Oregon State Fairgrounds, there may be a small fee for parking. (usually $4)
o The setup for this event will be 100% indoors, with heat.
o There are expected to be many, many vendors in attendance.  Bring your cash/credit-cards!
o The Oregon State Fairgrounds will be serving food and we will attempt to provide adult beverages as well.

About: Project FitnessTM
Fight or flight? It’s all about competition. Otherwise, it’d just be exercising…and where’s the fun in that? Project FitnessTM was founded with the belief that competition is at the root of any truly successful workout plan. On a month-by- month basis, Project FitnessTM offers the most fitness competitions of any organization in the Northwest. Our competitions provide the greatest experience of any fitness event in the region. Fight or flight? The best ALWAYS fight for their life.

WODtoberfest 2017


The Essentials:
September 23rd, 2017
***8:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)

CrossFit 3-46 GRIT
354 NE 219th St.
Gresham, Oregon

Divisions (FIRST 100 teams to register, regardless of division!):
o Male/Female Rx Team
o Male/Female Scaled Team
o Male/Female Masters Team

It’s baaaaaackkk!!!! 🙂 One of the longest continuous running fitness competitions in the Northwest returns for the 5th consecutive year and hosted once more by the wonderful folks at CrossFit 3-46 GRIT! WODTOBERFESTTM promises to once again be one of the premiere competitions in the Northwest. The WODTOBERFEST TM is open to all level of athletes over the age of 18. All athletes are encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some exposure to CrossFit-style workouts and powerlifting. The Rx division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less advanced movements than Rx. All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.

o $220 per team starting on Monday, August 14th*
o Fee includes
o 3-4 competition workouts + finals for top teams
*– Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual or team up to 1 week before the event.

o First Place: $400* + Trophy
o Second Place: $350* + Trophy
o Third Place: $300* + Trophy
* = Cash prizes only for Rx division
* = Listed cash prizes contingent upon sell-out; we reserve the right to adjust these cash prizes based on registration numbers.
* = Scaled/Masters podium teams will receive trophies and swag!!!

Spectators—Important Information
o There is no admission cost to attend the WODTOBERFESTTM.
o Parking for WODTOBERFESTTM must be confined to the commercial complex in which it is located.
o The setup for this event will include both indoor and outdoor spectator venues. Please dress accordingly.
o There are expected to be multiple vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!
o Food and drinks will be available!

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About: Project FitnessTM
Fight or flight? It’s all about competition. Otherwise, it’d just be exercising…and where’s the fun in that? Project FitnessTM was founded with the belief that competition is at the root of any truly successful workout plan. On a month-by- month basis, Project FitnessTM offers the most fitness competitions of any organization in the Northwest. Our competitions provide the greatest experience of any fitness event in the region. Fight or flight? The best ALWAYS fight for their life.

Rogue Rampage 2017


The Essentials:
SUNDAY, August 13th, 2017
***8:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)

Independence Amphitheater at Riverview Park
50 C St.
Independence, OR 97351

Divisions (100 entries in each division):
o Male/Male/Female/Female Rx Team
o Male/Male/Female/Female Scaled Team
o Male/Male/Female/Female Masters Team
o Adaptive Athlete Teams (2 person teams)
– Male Lower Body Adaptive Team (At least one team member with lower body adaptation)
– Female Lower Body Adaptive Team (At least one team member with lower body adaptation)
– Male Upper Body Adaptive Team (At least one team member with upper body adaptation)
– Female Upper Body Adaptive Team (At least one team member with upper body adaptation)

Northwest Fitness Games is unbelievably proud to announce the third consecutive year of one of the Northwest’s most memorable fitness events, the ROGUE RAMPAGE™! We have partnered with Rogue Brewery once more, along with the City of Independence, to bring this one-of-a-kind competition to the local Crossfit community, and we once again we have an EXCITING NEW VENUE!  The City of Independence is making their riverfront amphitheater, on the banks of the Willamette River, available for our competition. Independence, long known for the local hops grown that are vital to the region’s outstanding beer, has a terrific downtown area.  There are multiple taphouses, bars, and restaurants, as well as plenty of room to throw down and find out who’s the fittest group of four out there!

The ROGUE RAMPAGE™ is open to all level of athletes over the age of 18. All athletes are encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some exposure to functional-fitness-style workouts and powerlifting. The Rx division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less advanced movements than Rx. All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.

o $400 per team until July 1st; price increases to $480 per team.
o Fee includes:
o 4 competition workouts + finals for top teams
*–Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual or team up to 1 week before the event.

o First Place: $1000*
o Second Place: $600*
o Third Place: $400*
***Cash prizes contingent upon sell-out and can be amended to match registration turnout***
* = Cash prizes are for Rx teams only.

Spectators—Important Information
o There is no admission cost to attend the ROGUE RAMPAGE™.
o Information for parking for the ROGUE RAMPAGE™ will be provided via our Facebook page, as well as the athlete letter, in the weeks leading up to the event.
o The setup for this event will involve outdoor spectator venues and will occur in the month of August. We expect very hot and dry weather. Please dress accordingly.
o There are expected to be multiple vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!
o Food and drinks will be available via multiple food vendors, local restaurants & taphouses.  Rogue Brewery will be the only brewery on-site to sell beverages!

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