June 11, 2022
***8:00 AM to 5:00 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)
The Village at Sunriver
57100 Beaver Dr
Sunriver, Oregon 97707
Male/Male Rx Team
Female/Female Rx Team
Male/Male Scaled Team
Female/Female Scaled Team
Male/Male MASTERS Team (combined team age of 75 or greater; no one under 35)
Female/Female MASTERS Team (combined team age of 75 or greater; no one under 35)
One of the most memorable fitness events in the Northwest returns for its 6th year! (after a couple years off for COVID) Grab your best CrossFit buddy, and crush some WODs! We’re out to see once again who owns the best fitness in Central Oregon.
The DESCHUTES DEMOLITIONtm is open to all level of athletes over the age of 16. All athletes are encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some exposure to CrossFit-style workouts and powerlifting. The Rx division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less advanced movements than Rx. All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.
$230 per team until May 1st; price increases to $260 per team at midnight on May 2nd.*
3-4 competition workouts + finals for top teams
Deschutes Demolitiontm t-shirt
*–Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual or team up to 1 week before the event.
First Place: $500* + Trophy
Second Place: $350* + Trophy
Third Place: $200* + Trophy
= Cash prizes contingent upon sell-out.
= Cash prizes only for Rx division.
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The event that started it all is coming to Washington 🙂
The Essentials:
May 14th, 2022 – CrossFit Puyallup 2323 E Pioneer Ste D, Puyallup, WA 98372
***8:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)
– 2 Person
Male/Female Rx Team (ages 18+)
Male/Female Scaled Team (ages 16+)
Male/Female MASTERS Team (cumulative team age 75 or more; no one younger than 35)
Male/Female SUPER MASTERS Team (cumulative age 100 or more; no one younger than 45)
Male/Female Novice Team (ages 16+)
Male/Female Teen Team (ages 13-15)
Male/Female Youth Team (ages 10-12)
-4 Person
Male/Male/Female/Female Advanced (Rx) Team
Male/Male/Female/Female Intermediate (Scaled) Team
Male/Male/Female/Female Novice Team – no finals, no price increase
Male/Male/Female/Female Masters Team (Cumulative age of 4 members must be 150 years or more; no one younger than 35)
Male/Male/Female/Female Super Masters Team (Cumulative age of 4 members must be 200 years or more; no one younger than 45)
Over the years we’ve had hundreds of gyms from Washington-state send their athletes for the annual Slaughterfest event in Salem, Oregon. By popular demand, we will be bringing this event to the Seattle area in 2022! What do we have up our sleeve for 2022? Register to find out!!!
The SEATTLE SLAUGHTERFEST™ as it is called is now open to all level of athletes from ages 10 and up. 16 and 17 year olds may participate in the rx and/or scaled division, depending on their skill. The RX division is open to all athletes 18 and up. All athletes are encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some exposure to CrossFit-style workouts and powerlifting. The Rx division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less advanced movements than Rx. All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.
Rx: This division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. You do not have to be amazing at these movements, if you can do them then you are an RX athlete and should register for this division. For example, Rx teams should have at least one person that can do muscle ups, handstand push ups, and all the other standard CrossFit movements.
Scaled: If you have stood on a podium as a scaled athlete in another NWFG competition then you should probably register for Rx now, that is a clear sign. This division is for athletes that frequently scale work outs. Do not choose scaled for the following reasons, we will call you out for this:
Its your first competition. If you go Rx in the box… do it for us also.
A couple other scaled athletes need a teammate. Don’t do it, help them find a real scaled person.
You want to be on a podium. This is a huge disservice to the real scaled athletes and makes them think they are not good enough for this division.
You can’t do a strict L-sit muscle up yet. You will see the WODs ahead of time and KNOW if you can do the movements in the competition.
Its super important to protect the integrity of the scaled division, please help us do that. You will need someone on the team that can do pull ups… they are in scaled.
Novice: This division is for athletes new to functional fitness and athletes with a long way to go in their fitness journey. You will be able to modify any movement to find something that will work. There is no finals for Novice, this is for people that want to experience the “fun” of competition but are not even at the scaled level yet. Adaptive athlete should register for this division, please contact us if you have questions.
Masters: This division is a hybrid of Rx and scaled weights and movements. You may have the choice between Rx movements or less technical movements at higher volume (For example: 3 muscle ups OR 9 CTB Pull Ups)
All athletes will be required to sign a waiver. There will be no refunds for enforcing the current covid mandates whatever they may be at the time of the event. If we have to cancel the event you will have the option to get a full refund or credit to a future event.
SuperMasters: This division utilizes scaled weights and movements, but has many of the same age requirements as the traditional masters division. A good way to think of it is “scaled masters” Very often we will give you the choice between higher skill movements or less technical movements at higher volume. (For example: 12 Chest to Bar Pullups OR 18 Chin-Over-Bar Pull Ups)
All athletes will be required to sign a waiver. There will be no refunds for enforcing the current covid mandates whatever they may be at the time of the event. If we have to cancel the event you will have the option to get a full refund or credit to a future event.
– 2 & 4 Person Teams:
$120 per athlete until midnight on March 1st, 2022; $140 per athlete after.
$100 per athlete (novice, teen, youth) until midnight on March 1st, 2022; $120 per athlete after.
o 3-4 competition workouts + finals for top 3 teams in each division (except Novice, Teen, and Youth)
*– Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual up to 1 week
before the event.
Cash Prizes (Rx only)
o M/F First Place: $300
o M/F Second Place: $200
o M/F Third Place: $100
o M/M/F/F First Place: $500
o M/M/F/F Second Place: $400
o M/M/F/F Third Place: $300
* = Cash prizes contingent upon reaching 400 athlete threshold.
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Spectators—Important Information
o There is a $5 admission cost to attend the SLAUGHTERERFEST™ .
o There are expected to be multiple vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!
o Food and drinks may be available depending on the venue. Kids need to be supervised, no pets.
WOD 1: EMOM 12:00 For max calories on a rower (*2 rowers for 4 person teams)
Buy in each minute:
Min 1: 5 Burpees Over Bar + Bar Hold
Min 2: 10 Toes to Bar + Bar Hold (scaled = heels over hips from the bar)
Min 3: 5 Front Squats (Rx 135/95)(Sc 95/65)(115/85) + Bar Hold
Min 4: repeat
*Remaining time each minute, max calories on a rower (1 Bar Hold)
*4 person teams split into two stations (ladies/guys), same workout.
WOD 2: Snatch Ladder, 60s for reps, 30s for weight change.
Ladies: 85, 105, 125, 145 – Guys: 135, 155, 175, 195 (in this order)
*Score is points according the following ascending scale:
1st weight – 1 point
2nd weight – 2 points
3rd weight – 4 points
4th weight – 6 points
*one person working at a time, ladies go first and do all 4 rounds
WOD 3: Team “Hollyman” – 30 rounds for time: – 15:00 Cap
5 Wall Ball Shots (Rx 30/20#)(M 20/14#)(Sc 14/10#)
3 HSPU (scaled = burpees)
1 Clean (Rx 225/155)(Sc 155/105)(M 185/125)
* One person working at a time, split up the work as desired
* 4 person teams do 40 rounds
Floater: 3:00 For max total calories
Buy In: 50 Synchro American KB Swings (Rx & M 55/35#)(Sc 45/25)
Max calories on the Climber (2 available for all teams)
* Score is calories
* Teams of 4 = 4 Kettlebells
Heats | WOD 1 Start | WOD 1 End | WOD 2 Start | WOD 2 End | WOD 3 Start | WOD 3 End | Finals | Awards |
1 | 9:00 AM | 9:12 AM | 10:40 AM | 10:52 AM | 12:30 PM | 12:45 PM | 2:15 PM | 2:45 PM |
2 | 9:16 AM | 9:28 AM | 10:56 AM | 11:08 AM | 12:49 PM | 1:04 PM | ||
3 | 9:32 AM | 9:44 AM | 11:12 AM | 11:24 AM | 1:08 PM | 1:23 PM | ||
4 | 9:48 AM | 10:00 AM | 11:28 AM | 11:40 AM | 1:27 PM | 1:42 PM |
The Essentials:
Saturday January 29th, 2022 ***7:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)
Location: Salem, OR – If we reach 80 teams, this event will be held at the Pavilion at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. If we are unable to reach 80 teams, we will hold this event at CrossFit Salem. Get your teams registered so that we can have the BIG VENUE! 🙂
Divisions – All 4 person teams
o Male/Male/Female/Female Advanced (Rx) Team
o Male/Male/Female/Female Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Male/Male/Female/Female Novice Team – no finals, no price increase
o Male/Male/Female/Female Masters Team **
o Male/Male/Female/Female Super Masters Team ***
** Cumulative age of 4 members must be 150 years or more; no athlete on team can be younger than 35 years old
*** Cumulative age of 4 members must be 200 years or more; not athlete on team can be younger than 45 years old
The inaugural Winter Warfare is open to all level of athletes over the age of 16. Here are some guidelines for registering for a division, please read.
Rx: This division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. You do not have to be amazing at these movements, if you can do them then you are an RX athlete and should register for this division. For example, Rx teams should have at least one person that can do muscle ups, handstand push ups, and all the other standard CrossFit movements.
Scaled: If you have stood on a podium as a scaled athlete in another NWFG competition then you should probably register for Rx now, that is a clear sign. This division is for athletes that frequently scale work outs. Do not choose scaled for the following reasons, we will call you out for this:
Its super important to protect the integrity of the scaled division, please help us do that. You will need someone on the team that can do pull ups… they are in scaled.
Novice: This division is for athletes new to functional fitness and athletes with a long way to go in their fitness journey. You will be able to modify any movement to find something that will work. There is no finals for Novice, this is for people that want to experience the “fun” of competition but are not even at the scaled level yet. Adaptive athlete should register for this division, please contact us if you have questions.
Masters: This division is a hybrid of Rx and scaled weights and movements. You may have the choice between Rx movements or less technical movements at higher volume (For example: 3 muscle ups OR 9 CTB Pull Ups)
All athletes will be required to sign a waiver. There will be no refunds for enforcing the current covid mandates whatever they may be at the time of the event. If we have to cancel the event you will have the option to get a full refund or credit to a future event.
4 Person Teams:
$120 per athlete until midnight on Jan 5st, 2022. Then $140 per athlete.
$100 per athlete (novice, teen, youth), increasing to $120.
o 3-4 competition workouts + finals for top 3 teams in each division (except Novice, Teen, and Youth)
o Winter Warfare t-shirt
*– Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual up to 2 weeks
before the event.
Cash Prizes (Rx only)
o M/M/F/F First Place: $500
o M/M/F/F Second Place: $400
o M/M/F/F Third Place: $300
* = Cash prizes contingent upon reaching 400 athlete threshold.
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Other Information:
o There is no admission cost for spectators.
o THERE WILL BE A PARKING CHARGE for Winter Warfare as required by the venue.
o The competition will be 100% indoors, but the athlete camp for this event may end up being outdoors; plan accordingly.
o There are expected to be vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!
The Essentials:
May 21st, 2022 – Salem, OR @ Oregon State Fairgrounds Pavilion ***8:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)
– 2 Person
Male/Female Rx Team (ages 18+)
Male/Female Scaled Team (ages 16+)
Male/Female MASTERS Team (cumulative team age 75 or more; no one younger than 35)
Male/Female SUPER MASTERS Team (cumulative age 100 or more; no one younger than 45)
Male/Female Novice Team (ages 16+)
Male/Female Teen Team (ages 13-15)
Male/Female Youth Team (ages 10-12)
-4 Person
Male/Male/Female/Female Advanced (Rx) Team
Male/Male/Female/Female Intermediate (Scaled) Team
Male/Male/Female/Female Novice Team – no finals, no price increase
Male/Male/Female/Female Masters Team (Cumulative age of 4 members must be 150 years or more; no one younger than 35)
Male/Male/Female/Female Super Masters Team (Cumulative age of 4 members must be 200 years or more; no one younger than 45)
The event that started it all is BACK for a 10th consecutive year! Well, sort of consecutive…it was combined with Capital City Throwdown in 2020 due to this global pandemic thing. 😉 What do we have up our sleeve for 2022? Register to find out!!! 🙂
The SLAUGHTERFEST™ is now open to all level of athletes from ages 10 and up. 16 and 17 year olds may participate in the scaled division. The RX division is open to all athletes 18 and up. All athletes are encouraged to familiarize themselves with different fitness domains; more specifically to have some exposure to CrossFit-style workouts and powerlifting. The Rx division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. The Scaled division will include lighter weight and less advanced movements than Rx. All athletes will be required to sign a waiver.
Rx: This division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. You do not have to be amazing at these movements, if you can do them then you are an RX athlete and should register for this division. For example, Rx teams should have at least one person that can do muscle ups, handstand push ups, and all the other standard CrossFit movements.
Scaled: If you have stood on a podium as a scaled athlete in another NWFG competition then you should probably register for Rx now, that is a clear sign. This division is for athletes that frequently scale work outs. Do not choose scaled for the following reasons, we will call you out for this:
Its your first competition. If you go Rx in the box… do it for us also.
A couple other scaled athletes need a teammate. Don’t do it, help them find a real scaled person.
You want to be on a podium. This is a huge disservice to the real scaled athletes and makes them think they are not good enough for this division.
You can’t do a strict L-sit muscle up yet. You will see the WODs ahead of time and KNOW if you can do the movements in the competition.
Its super important to protect the integrity of the scaled division, please help us do that. You will need someone on the team that can do pull ups… they are in scaled.
Novice: This division is for athletes new to functional fitness and athletes with a long way to go in their fitness journey. You will be able to modify any movement to find something that will work. There is no finals for Novice, this is for people that want to experience the “fun” of competition but are not even at the scaled level yet. Adaptive athlete should register for this division, please contact us if you have questions.
Masters: This division is a hybrid of Rx and scaled weights and movements. You may have the choice between Rx movements or less technical movements at higher volume (For example: 3 muscle ups OR 9 CTB Pull Ups)
All athletes will be required to sign a waiver. There will be no refunds for enforcing the current covid mandates whatever they may be at the time of the event. If we have to cancel the event you will have the option to get a full refund or credit to a future event.
– 2 & 4 Person Teams:
$120 per athlete until midnight on March 1st, 2022; $140 per athlete after.
$100 per athlete (novice, teen, youth) until midnight on March 1st, 2022; $120 per athlete after.
o 3-4 competition workouts + finals for top 3 teams in each division (except Novice, Teen, and Youth)
*– Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual up to 1 week
before the event.
Cash Prizes (Rx only)
o M/F First Place: $300
o M/F Second Place: $200
o M/F Third Place: $100
o M/M/F/F First Place: $500
o M/M/F/F Second Place: $400
o M/M/F/F Third Place: $300
* = Cash prizes contingent upon reaching 400 athlete threshold.
Spectators—Important Information
o There is a $5 admission cost to attend the SLAUGHTERERFEST™ .
o The setup for this event will be 100% indoors.
o There are expected to be multiple vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!
o Food and drinks may be available depending on the venue. Kids need to be supervised, no pets.
o There is a parking charge for ALL cars at the Oregon State Fairgrounds.
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Vendors—Important Information
We have some cool packages for vendors. Get a booth space and access to hundreds of local clients. Talk about a wide distribution! At only $500 for a booth and a spot on the competition shirts this is a great way to keep your brand relevant and in front of many potential clients.
About: Project Fitness™
Fight or flight? It’s all about competition. Otherwise, it’d just be exercising…and where’s the fun in
that? Project Fitness™ was founded with the belief that competition is at the root of any truly successful
workout plan. On a month-by- month basis, Project Fitness™ offers the most fitness competitions of any
organization in the Northwest. And our competitions provide the greatest experience of any fitness
event in the region. Fight or flight? The best ALWAYS fight for their life.
The Essentials:
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 ***7:00 AM to 5:30 PM*** (Tentative Schedule)
Location: Eugene, OR – Lane County Event Center
o Male/Male/Male Advanced (Rx) Team
o Female/Female/Female Advanced (Rx) Team
o Male/Male/Male Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Female/Female/Female Intermediate (Scaled) Team
o Male/Male/Male Novice Team – no finals
o Female/Female/Female Novice Team – no finals
o Male/Male/Male Teen (ages 13-15) Team – no finals
o Female/Female/Female (ages 13-15) Teen Team – no finals
o Male/Male/Male Youth (ages 10-12) Team – no finals
o Female/Female/Female Youth (ages 10-12) Team – no finals
o Male/Male/Male Masters Team **
o Female/Female/Female Masters Team **
o Male/Male/Male Super Masters Team ***
o Female/Female/Female Super Masters Team ***
** Cumulative age of 3 members must be 120 years or more; no athlete on team can be younger than 35 years old
*** Cumulative age of 3 members must be 150 years or more; no athlete on team can be younger than 45 years old
Fourth annual Track Town Smack Down is open to all level of athletes over the age of 16. Here are some guidelines for registering for a division, please read.
Rx: This division includes all powerlifting, bodyweight, and gymnastic movements. You do not have to be amazing at these movements, if you can do them then you are an RX athlete and should register for this division. For example, Rx teams should have at least one person that can do muscle ups, handstand push ups, and all the other standard CrossFit movements.
Scaled: If you have stood on a podium as a scaled athlete in another NWFG competition then you should probably register for Rx now, that is a clear sign. This division is for athletes that frequently scale work outs. Do not choose scaled for the following reasons, we will call you out for this:
Its super important to protect the integrity of the scaled division, please help us do that. You will need someone on the team that can do pull ups… they are in scaled.
Novice: This division is for athletes new to functional fitness and athletes with a long way to go in their fitness journey. You will be able to modify any movement to find something that will work. There is no finals for Novice, this is for people that want to experience the “fun” of competition but are not even at the scaled level yet. Adaptive athlete should register for this division, please contact us if you have questions.
Masters: This division is a hybrid of Rx and scaled weights and movements. You may have the choice between Rx movements or less technical movements at higher volume (For example: 3 muscle ups OR 9 CTB Pull Ups)
All athletes will be required to sign a waiver. There will be no refunds for enforcing the current covid mandates whatever they may be at the time of the event. If we have to cancel the event you will have the option to get a full refund or credit to a future event.
o $120 per athlete* (increases to $140/athlete on Feb 5th). $100 per athlete (novice, teen, youth), increases to $120.
o Fee includes
– 3 or 4 competition workouts + finals for top teams
– Track Town Smack Down attire (t-shirt for men/tank for ladies)
o Entry fee cannot be refunded, but it can be transferred to another individual or receive credit up to 2 weeks before the event.
Cash for winners:
o First Place: $300 + Trophy
o Second Place: $200 + Trophy
o Third Place: $100 + Trophy
o Cash prizes contingent upon 300 athlete participation and ONLY FOR Rx TEAMS.
o Scaled/Masters teams receive a trophy and swag!!!
Price is per team. One person registers! Let us know the names and shirt sizes of the other two people on the registration form! Shirts are men’s and ladies style, not unisex.
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Other Information:
o There is no admission cost for spectators.
o Parking for Track Town Smack Down is free.
o The setup for this event will be 100% indoors, but plan to bring lawn chairs for the athlete camp.
o There are expected to be vendors in attendance. Bring your cash/credit-cards!